MGE was the prime consultant for the engineering design of the Wilson Creek Crossing located in Trinity County, California, on the Yolla Bolla Ranger District, Shasta Trinity National Forest.  The new galvanized steel plate arch culvert structure will replace an existing 7-foot diameter corrugated metal plate culvert.   The vertical stream channel grade at the culvert is a barrier to aquatic species passage.  The new structure, and associated channel restoration, and road construction work was designed to accommo­date passage of aquatic organisms.  The struc­ture type is an open bottom arch structure with engineered fill and reconstructed simulated creek with bioengineered treatments and re-vegetation.  Work includes supplemental mapping, geomorphic site assessment, geotechnical investigation, hydrologic and hydraulic studies, type selection report, type selection review meeting, engineering design of the structure and associated stream simulation channel restoration features, preparation of contract drawings, special project specifications, estimate of quantities, and construction cost estimate.  Channel restoration and bank protection features included planted rip-rap, log weirs, rock grade control structures, and low-bank and upper bank planting for habitat restoration. Construction is contingent on funding.


Key Staff:

Project Manager & Structures Lead: Bob Sennett

Civil Lead: Jeff Crovitz



USDA Shasta Trinity National Forest